First Aid (NZ) Ltd
First Aid Training Timetable
Refresher Courses for 2018
2018 Workplace First Aid Level 2 and (both days)
Workplace First Aid Express level 1 (day one only)
Training Venues
West: Kelston Community Centre, cnr Awaroa Rd & Great North Rd, Glendene. Parking available.
North: Milford Cruising Club, 24 Craig Road, Milford.
Street parking available.
South: Manukau City Baptist Church, 9 Lambie Drive, Manukau.
Parking is available, use Church entrance go to the end of chain link fence before
Arena Building, turn left onto Basket Ball Court.
(Please do not use the Childcare Car Parking area)
East: Pakuranga Tennis Club, 101 Pigeon Mountain Road Pakuranga.
Please avoid using tennis club parking on a Weds. There is parking in Gill Road, which is opposite the tennis club, by the reserve.
Central: Ley's Institute, 20 St Mary's Bay Road, Ponsonby
COURSE START AT 9.30 AM (unless advised otherwise)
NB - in order to attend the Refresher course, you must have a current First Aid Certificate that has not expired by more than 3 months!